
Links Worth Clicking

compiled by Dr. James Dohn
The Rolls Royce of bodywork disciplines.  A combination of hands-on deep tissue bodywork, dialogue and movement coaching to keep you youthful and vibrant at all ages.
Melissa Spenker, the best skin care and massage therapist I know of in Long Beach.
Nina Capeleuto’s compilation of teachings for tapping into the power of attraction and supporting loving human interactions.
Life-transforming and life-changing personal and professional development.   Uniquely and consistently effective for everyone I have ever referred.
Artistic expression at its finest.  Marty and her hubby Ray provide web-based design and support to access the entire planet.

Exercise & Muscle Directory
A well done, easy-to-read anatomical directory of muscles and exercises.
They have a device that measures the peacefulness of your heart.  Turns out a peaceful heart is the best place from which to hit a golf ball straight and far.
The “current word” in style, grace and loving presentation in all media and expression.

Special Announcement! My new book, Structural Integration is Not Massage, is now available!Find out more
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