Links Worth Clicking
compiled by Dr. James Dohn
The Rolls Royce of bodywork disciplines. A combination of hands-on deep tissue bodywork, dialogue and movement coaching to keep you youthful and vibrant at all ages.
Melissa Spenker, the best skin care and massage therapist I know of in Long Beach.
Nina Capeleuto’s compilation of teachings for tapping into the power of attraction and supporting loving human interactions.
Life-transforming and life-changing personal and professional development. Uniquely and consistently effective for everyone I have ever referred.
Artistic expression at its finest. Marty and her hubby Ray provide web-based design and support to access the entire planet.
Exercise & Muscle Directory
A well done, easy-to-read anatomical directory of muscles and exercises.
They have a device that measures the peacefulness of your heart. Turns out a peaceful heart is the best place from which to hit a golf ball straight and far.
The “current word” in style, grace and loving presentation in all media and expression.